📄️ callback
A callback is basically a function who is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after some operation has been completed
📄️ destructuring
destructuring is a way to extract value from arrays or objects into distinct variables,
📄️ functions vs arrow functions
arrow functions
📄️ higher order functions
📄️ immutability
The immutability principle
📄️ object this
with an object this, we can acess properties of the object that the current function is a method of:
📄️ objects
Static object methods
📄️ optional chaining
Basically, it is a role that verifies if a function was defined before the call, if not, the calling wont occur, it avoid errors
📄️ promises
Promises allow for asynchronous development by linearizing with callbacks
📄️ rest operator
We could say that rest operator "collects" the remaining elements from a destructuring operation and saves them to a variable
📄️ spread operator
Spread operator is a very useful tool